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Service Center


Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Training Course Online or CD-ROMS

Our  Six Sigma Black Belt training course for Certification seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects (errors) and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes. It uses a set of quality management methods, including statistical methods, and creates a special infrastructure of people within the organization ("Black Belts", "Green Belts", etc.) who are experts in these methods.

This course explores the relationship between the Lean and Six Sigma approaches and their integrated application in both manufacturing and service industries. This course is aligned with the ASQ Certified Six Sigma Black Belt certification exam and is designed to assist learners as part of their exam preparation. It builds on foundational knowledge that is taught in our ASQ-aligned Green Belt curriculum.

Course Description
Six Sigma is a data-driven improvement philosophy that views all activities within an organization as processes whose inputs can be controlled to effect significant improvements in process outputs. Six Sigma uses a rigorous and systematic methodology known as DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control) and a number of qualitative and quantitative tools for driving process, product, and service improvements aimed at reducing defects and variation. Lean is also an improvement methodology, but with a different focus, aiming to enhance process flow, reduce cycle time, and eliminate waste. Though Lean and Six Sigma originated in different places and under different circumstances, they are now largely seen as complementary methodologies rather than mutually exclusive alternatives. Companies across various industries are striving to become faster and more responsive to customers, achieve near perfect quality, and operate using world-class cost structures. You need both Lean and Six Sigma to achieve these goals. 

Training Course Includes
online or cd Choose Online or CD-ROM Delivery
unlimited one year access One year 24 x 7 unlimited access to all online courses
interactive Full Multi-Media interactive lessons
practice teststestprepsTest Preps
online mentormentoring Online mentoring - Instructor live access online 24 x 7 to answer any questions regarding your training
transcriptstranscripts Printable transcripts of all lessons
search for toipics Searchable topics at your finger tips
hours of training Over 70 hours of training

Proficiency at the Green Belt level with the tools and concepts of Lean and Six Sigma and their origins as scoped in the ASQ

Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Outline
Enterprise-Wide Deployment

Lean and Six Sigma
Projects and the Black Belt Role
Leadership and Change Management

Organizational Process Management and Measures
Critical Requirements and Benchmarking
Business Performance and Financial Measure

Team Management
Forming Project Teams 
Motivation and Communication in Teams
Managing Six Sigma Team Performance

Using Voice of the Customer
Developing Project Charters and Tracking Six Sigma Projects

Process Characteristics 
Data Collection and Measurement 
Six Sigma Measurement Systems
Basic Statistics and Graphical Methods 
Process Capability

Correlation and Regression Analysis 
Multivariate Analysis and Attribute Data Analysis 
Hypothesis Testing Concepts and Tests for Means
Tests for Variances and Proportions, ANOVA, and Chi-square Tests 
Nonparametric Tests in Six Sigma Analysis
Non-Statistical Analysis Methods

Designing and Planning Experiments 
Conducting Experiments and Analyzing Results
Improvement Methods and Implementation Issues

Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Non-Statistical Control Tools and Maintaining Controls in Six Sigma
Sustaining Improvements and Gains from Six Sigma Projects

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) Frameworks and Methodologies
Common Design for Six Sigma Methodologies, Design for X, and Robust Design
Special Design Tools in Design for Six Sigma

Champion Training
Introduction to Six Sigma for Champions
Process Improvement
Projects and Project Teams
Managing and Deploying