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AutoCAD 2005 Training  Course  

This AutoCAD 2005 training covers both 2D Basics  and 2D Advance topics for AutoCad 2005 and 2005 LT. No separate training for 2005 LT is required.
AutoCAD 2005 Training for 2D Basics and Advance thoroughly examines drawing, editing, viewing and plotting in AutoCAD. You will find all of the essential material necessary to create 2D drawings in this concise and thorough presentation of AutoCAD 2005 drawing basics. This series concludes with tutorials on drawing a floor plan, a steel part, and how to plot them.

Training Time
11 hours of on screen training - 
12 hr suggested practice time

AutoCAD 2005 Training Tutorial Course on Basic and Advanced

2D Basics
1 Introduction to Autocad 
2 Starting a Drawing 
3 Introduction to xy Coordinates 
4 Polar Coordinates 
5 Lines and Points 
6 Circles 
7 Arcs 
8 Text 
9 Command Window 
10 Drawing Aids- Snaps Grid, Polar ....Tracking 
11 Object Properties 
12 Introduction to Layers 
14 Pan Zoom 
15 Construction lines 
16 Selecting Elements - Windows 
18 Modify Toolbar - Erase 
19 Modify - Copy and Other Selection Methods 
20 Modify - Move 
21 Modify - Mirror 
22 Modify - Rotate 
23 Modify - Scale 
24 Modify - Offset 
25 Modify Array 
26 Modify Lenghten 
27 ModifyTrim 
28 Modify Extend 
29 Modify Chamfer and Fillet
30 Modify Stretch 
31 Complex Drawing Elements - Polylines 
32 Complex Drawing Elements - Polygon 
33 Complex Drawing Elements - Splines 
34 Complex Drawing Elements - Ellipse 
35 Complex Drawing Elements - ...Rectangles 
36 Complex Elements Regions 
37 Hatch 
38 Tracking 
39 Point Divide 
40 Inquiry Toolbar 
41 More Text - Style 
42 More Text - Modify 
43 More Text - Toolbar 
44 Tutorial - A steel part
45 Tutorial - A floor plan 
46 Plotting 

AutoCAD 2005 2D Advanced
1    spellchecker       
2     text - justification
3     text - external editor       
4     text field text mask       
5     text - special characters
6     review of polylines        
7     pedit polyline edit       
8     boundary polyline region       
9     regions       
10    multilines 
10a double lines - lt only     
11    editing multi lines       
12    properties       
13    filter       
14    layers       
15    groups       
16   ucs       
17    blocks - inserting       
18   blocks - creating       
19   blocks - editing       
20    blocks - saving
21  blocks - nested       
22  blocks - attributes       
23  blocks - hyperlinks       
24   reference files
25   paper space layouts               
26   intro to dimensions       
27   associative dimensions       
28   dimensioning commands       
29   dimensions edit
30   dimensions in layouts- paper sp       
31   plotting review
32   plotting in paper space       
33   publish- batch plotting
34   design center and templates
35   express tools
36   dwf drawings on the web
37   sheet sets
38    tables