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Service Center


Java Tutorials - Table of Contents

Tutorial 1 - Objects, Applications&Applets
. What Are Objects
. Basic Structure of an Application
. Basic Structure of an Applet
. The XHTML Applet Element
. Life Cycle of an Applet
. Cautions About Applet Use
Tutorial 2 - Syntax & Grammar
. Syntax Notation
. Lexical Structure
. Literals or Constants
. Escape Characters
. Variables and Arrays
. Operators, Expressions, Conditions
. Statements, Blocks and Scope
. Assignment Statements
Tutorial 3 - Control Flow
. Conditional Statements
. Loops and Switches
. Continue, Break and Return
. Command Line Arguments
. Project: Metric Converter
Tutorial 4 - Encapsulation
. Encapsulation
. Class Specifications
. Properties
. Types of Methods
. Overloading and Recursion
. Object Creation and Destruction
. Inner Classes
. Project Organization
. Project: Circle Class
Tutorial 5 - Inheritance & Polymorphism
. Inheritance
. Inheritance in Java
. Abstract Classes
. Polymorphism: Dynamic Method Binding
. Arrays of Subclasses
. Casting Objects
. Interfaces
Tutorial 6 - Class Libraries
. Packages
. Object Class
. System Class
. Type Wrappers
. Math Class
. DecimalFormat Class
. Date Class
. DateFormat Class
. Calendar Class
Tutorial 7 - String Manipulation
. String Class
. StringBuffer Class
. StringTokenizer Class
. Regular Expressions
. String Applications
. Project: WordCount
. Project: Cipher Text Preparation
. Project: XHTML Analysis
. Tutorial Source Code
Tutorial 8 - File IO
. File Management
. File Streams
. Data Streams
. Object Streams
. Random Access Files
. Project: Text File IO
. Ongoing Projects
. Tutorial Source Code
Tutorial 9 - Swing GUI Widgets
. Containers and Content Panes
. Simple Dialog Boxes
. Labels and Icons
. Text Fields and Buttons
. Basic Event Listeners
. Colors, Fonts and Borders
Tutorial 10 - Intermediate Swing
. List Boxes, Combo Boxes and Spinners
. Advanced Event Listeners
. Checkboxes
. Radio Buttons
. Bounded-Range Components
Tutorial 11 - Advanced Swing
. Dropdown & Popup Menus
. Tool Bars & ToolTips
. Specialty Panes
. Layout Managers
. Layer Design
. GUI Menu Builders
Tutorial 12 - Swing GrabBag
. Text Areas
. File Choosers
. Tables
. Hierarchical Trees
. Look And Feel
. Project: Screen Interface
. Project: File Interface
. Project: Screen/File Interface
. Project: Multiple File Interface
. Project: Utility Interface
Tutorial 13 - Exceptions and Reflection
. What Exceptions Are
. The throws Keyword
. Catching Exceptions
. Forcing an Exception
. Using Hierarchy Effectively
. Assertions
. Reflection
Tutorial 14 - Collections and Threads
. Collection Interfaces
. Collection Implementations
. Generics
. Legacy Classes and Interfaces
. Project: Concordance
. Using The Thread Class
. Assigning Priority
. Example: Digital Clock
. Example: Splash Screen
. Example: Animation
Tutorial 15 - Graphics and Imaging
. Fundamentals
. Geometric Shapes
. Buffered Images
. Working With Text
. Image Processing
. Composite Shapes
Tutorial 16 - Case Studies
. Case Study: WordCount
. Case Study: Text/File IO
. Case Study: Cipher Text Utility
. Case Study: XHTML Analyzer
Tutorial 17 - Debugging and Distributing
. Types of Errors
. Common Java Errors
. Testing Methods
. Debugging Utilities
. Debugging With jdb
. Graphical Debuggers
. Java Web Start
. Installers and AOT
. JAR Resources
Java Tutorial Appendices
. Reserved Words
. Event Listeners
. Brief History of Java
. Java Virtual Machine
. Using Javadoc
. Java Beans

J2EE Course Outline

J2EE Programming
. What is J2EE
. Client-Server Review
. n-tiered Applications
. J2EE Overview
. View Layer Technologies
. Controller Layer
. Model Layer Technologies
. “Glue” Technologies (Multi-
. J2EE Application Servers
. Developing J2EE
The Application Server
. What are Application
. Web Applications
. Deployment Support
. Other Services
. Practice Lab
Introduction to Servlets
. What are Servlets?
. What do we need to run
. Servlets role in J2EE
. Servlet Execution
. HTTP Requests
. The HttpServletRequest
. doGet() vs doPost()
. Sending the response
. The HttpServletResponse
. Coding the servlet
. Instructor’s Demo – Hello
. Accessing parameters
. Instructor’s Demo –
Greeting Servlet
. Creating servlets using
Application Developer
. Deploying servlets

Extending Servlets
. The Stateless Environment
. Solutions to providing state
. Session Management with
. Session Management with
Encoded URLS
. Session Management in
Java Server Pages
. What are Java Server
. JSP role in J2EE
. What do we need to
develop JSPs?
. What do we need to run
. JSP execution
. JSP Tags
. Implicit Objects
. The Request Object
. The Response Object
. Special Tags
.Extending Java Server Pages and
. Using Java Beans
. Java Beans and
. The Java Bean
. Business Logic
. A Simple Bean
. Using the Bean
. Using the Bean in a Servlet
. Using the Bean in a JSP
. Loading Properties from a
. Issues with Tag Libraries
. JDBC 2.0
. JDBC Drivers
. JDBC Classes
. Connection Pooling

. Naming Services
. Directory Services
. Why use Directory Services?
. The Context
. Client-Server Review
. Remote Procedure Calls
. Remote Method Invocation
. RMI Architecture
. Remote Interfaces
. RMI Registry
. Deployment and Implementation
. JNI Basics
. Why use JNI?
. JNI Architecture
. The Java Code (Native Keyword)
. The C/C++ Side
. Type Encoding
. Name Resolution
. Name Munging
. Native Method Arguments
. The JNIEnv*
. Field Access
. Method Callbacks
. Practice Lab (JNI)
. The CORBA Architecture
. Interface Definition Language
. Java IDL
. Practice Lab (CORBA)
Enterprise Java Beans
. What are Enterprise Java Beans
. Should you use EJBs?
. The EJB Architecture
. Types of Beans
. Session Beans
. EJB Transaction Management
. Creating EJBs
. Compiling and Deploying
. Developing Clients
. Bean or Container Managed