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AutoCAD Electrical 2011 Training Course AutoDesk Tutorials   

AutoCAD Electrical 2011 is a product used by electrical controls designers. Our multimedia training for AutoCAD Electrical is a comprehensive tutorial that takes you step-by-step through the essential functions of AutoCAD Electrical. The training program covers the comprehensive symbol libraries and tools for automating electrical engineering tasks, which is designed to help beginners and experienced users save hours of time and improve their proficiency.
AutoDesk Electrical 2011 training tutorials  covers a variety of topics

After completing this course you will be able to :
complete and manage electrical projects,
create and edit electrical drawings,
create reports and output report tables,
configure the ACE design environment,
and customize libraries, reference files, and databases.
This AutoCAD Electrical training program includes the exercise files used by the instructor, so you can open the files and learn as you practice the same exercises on your own.

Course Outline for Electrical 2011:

Course Introduction 
Design Environment Similarities 
Design Environment Interface 
Design Environment Help System

Project Manager Functionality 
Project Manager New Projects 
Organize Project Lists 
New Drawing 
Project Drawing List Drawing Descriptions 
Plotting From Drawing Lists 
Moving Through Project Drawings In Order 
Opening & Closing Projects 
Copying Projects 
Managing Projects

Schematic Wiring 
What are Wires and Ladders? 
Inserting and Trimming Wires 
Wires and Ladders 
Inserting Ladders 
Revising Ladders 
Ladder Referencing 
Point-to-Point Wiring Tools 
Point-to-Point Wiring Multiple Bus 
Wire Number Types 
Automatic Wire Numbers and Leaders 
Editing Wire Numbers 
Wire Numbers and Leaders Configuration 
Inserting Destination Signal Arrows and Linking 
Inserting Source Signal Arrows and Linking

Schematic Components 
Icon Menu Interface 
Insert Edit Component- Description Options 
Insert Edit Component- Catalog Lookup and Other Options 
Insert Edit Component- Children and Linking 
Inserting Schematic Components from Lists- Creating and Displaying List 
Inserting Schematic Components from Lists- Completing the Insertion Process 
Inserting Multiple Schematic Components From Lists 
Inserting Schematic Components Equipment Lists 
Inserting Schematic Components Catalog List 
Connectors Options 
About Terminals 
Terminal Block Properties 
Terminal Jumpers 
Terminal Associations 
Multiple Phase Circuits

Schematic Editing
Schematic Editing Location Utilities 
Schematic Editing Copy & Delete 
Copy Catalog and Location Tools 
Swapping and Updating Blocks- Swapping Blocks 
Swapping and Updating Blocks- Update Block and Library Swap 
Swapping and Updating Blocks- Attribute Mapping Files 
Using the Auditing Tools 
Updating and Retagging Drawings 
Schematic Reports- Creation 
Schematic Reports- Report Options 
Schematic Reports- Changing the Report Format 
Report Output Options 
Wire From/To & Component Reports

Panel Layouts
Creating Panel Layouts- Comparing 
Creating Panel Layouts- Inserting 
Creating Panel Layouts- Schematic Lists 
Creating Panel Layouts- Multiple Footprints 
Creating Panel Layouts- Nameplates 
Using the DIN Rail Tool 
Using the Terminal Strip Editor- Inserting 
Using the Terminal Strip Editor- Tools 
Using the Terminal Strip Editor- Spares & Accessories 
Using the Terminal Strip Editor- Tabular Terminal Charts 
Using the Terminal Strip Editor- Jumper Charts 
Panel Layout Annotation and Reports- Configuration 
Panel Layout Annotation and Reports- Annotation 
Panel Layout Annotation and Reports- Bill of Material

Settings and Configurations 
Creating Wire Types- Creation 
Creating Wire Types- Modifying 
Creating Wire Types- Overrides 
Using Reference Files 
Using Environment Files 
Drawing Properties- Drawing Settings Tab 
Drawing Properties- Components Tab 
Drawing Properties- Wire Numbers Tab 
Drawing Properties- Cross-References Tab 
Drawing Properties- Styles Tab 
Drawing Properties- Drawing Format Tab 
Drawing Properties- Configuration Block 
Project Settings 
Project Options 
Project Settings Compare 
Drawing Templates 
Network or Standalone Installation

Custom Components 
Schematic Symbol Naming 
Schematic Symbol Templates 
Symbol Builder Configuration 
Symbol Builder Environment 
Symbol Builder Attributes 
Symbol Builder Wire Connection 
Symbol Builder Tools 
Icon Menu Wizard Environment 
Icon Menu Wizard- Adding Components 
Icon Menu Wizard- Add Submenu 
Panel Footprints- Defining 
Panel Footprints- Creating 
Panel Footprints- Database 
Panel Footprints- List

Custom Data
Managing Part Catalog Databases- Catalog Database 
Managing Part Catalog Databases- Catalog Number 
Managing Part Catalog Databases- Catalog Subassembly 
Managing Part Catalog Databases- Catalog Items 
Editing the Pin List Database- Pin List 
Editing the Pin List Database- New Pin List 
Editing the Terminal Block Properties Database- Terminal Block 
Updating Title Block Attributes- Options 
Updating Title Block Attributes- Internal Attribute 
Updating Title Block Attributes- External File 
Updating Title Block Attributes- The Process

Automation Tools
Updating Schematics from Spreadsheets 
Creating Report Format Files 
Generating Automatic Reports

Vault Integration
Working with Autodesk Vault- Logging in, Checking in 
Working with Autodesk Vault- Checking out

PLC Modules
Using PLC I/O Modules- Standalone 
Using PLC I/O Modules- Fixed Modules 
Using PLC I/O Modules- Parametric 
Using the PLC Database File Editor- Specifications 
Using the PLC Database File Editor- Terminals & Settings 
Using the PLC Database File Editor- Attribute Data 
PLC I/O Address-Based Tagging 
Using the Spreadsheet to PLC I/O Utility- Setup 
Using the Spreadsheet to PLC I/O Utility- Layout

Miscellaneous Advanced Tools
Adding Wire Data to Footprints- Wire Connection 
Adding Wire Data to Footprints- Wire Annotation 
About Cable Marker Symbols 
Inserting Wire Fan In/Out Source Signals 
Adding Cable Markers 
Inserting Wire Fan In/Out Destination Signals and Cable Report 
Using the Circuit Builder- Overview 
Using the Circuit Builder- Insertion 
Using the Circuit Builder- Configuration