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CMQ OE Certification Training Course ASQ Certified Manager of Quality Organizational Excellence Online or CD

Our  training course for  CMQ certification  is designed for you to achieve certification in the ASQ-CMQ/OE designation as a  hallmark seasoned quality management professionals. To appear for this certification examination, you shall have 10 years experience in one or more areas of the Body Of Knowledge (BoK) for ASQ -CMQ/OE; and a minimum of 05 years experience must be in a decision-making position.

The Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence is a professional who leads and champions process-improvement initiatives—everywhere from small businesses to multinational corporations—that can have regional or global focus in a variety of service and industrial settings. A Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence facilitates and leads team efforts to establish and monitor customer/supplier relations, supports strategic planning and deployment initiatives, and helps develop measurement systems to determine organizational improvement.

This course explores the concepts of organizational design and leadership challenges. It is aligned with the Quality Management Division of the American Society for Quality's Certification Handbook and is designed to assist learners as part of their preparation for the ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence certification exam.

Training Tutorials Includes the following
 Choose Online or CD-ROM Deployment
 One year 24 x 7 unlimited access to all online courses
 Full Multi-Media interactive lessons
 Test Preps
Online mentoring - Instructor live access online 24 x 7 to answer any questions regarding your training
 Printable transcripts of all lessons
 Over 25 hours of training

Course Outline

  • Organizational structures to descriptions
  • How culture can be exhibited in an organization
  • The five steps on Juran's road to total quality management with descriptions 
  • Examples of management functions
  • Competencies required by managers
  • The techniques used by individuals acting as change agents
  • Theories of motivation and influence to their key concepts
  • Methods used to resolve conflict

Team Dynamics

  • When to use different types of teams
  • Descriptions of the classic phases of team development
  • Distinguish among typical team roles in a scenario
  • Recognize methods used to evaluate teams D
  • Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards

Developing and Deploying Strategic Plans

  • The characteristics of a traditional strategic planning approach
  • Recognize examples of the steps in the Hoshin planning model
  • Recognize questions that should be asked at the various stages of SWOT analysis
  • Identify Porter's five forces that drive industry profitability
  • Identify legal and regulatory factors affecting organizations
  • Sequence the steps in a stakeholder analysis framework
  • Recognize examples of the main activities involved in successful resource allocation

Managerial Skills and Abilities

  • Management theories to their descriptions
  • Recognize the factors that influence management style
  • Match tools used by managers to their descriptions
  • Recognize HR management activities used in staffing
  • Distinguish between basic types of financial statements
  • Match the tactics used to assess the probability and impact of loss to their examples

Communication Skills and Project Management

  • Recognize interpersonal skills and techniques that the effective communicator may use
  • Identify the types of nonverbal communication that help you win the trust of others
  • Recognize how to overcome barriers to communication in a global environment
  • Prioritize a project using benefit-cost analysis formulas
  • Identify why the work breakdown structure (WBS) is the most important element of project planning
  • Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using Gantt charts
  • Distinguish between the critical path method (CPM) and the program evaluation and review technique (PERT)

Quality Systems, Models, and Theories

  • Identify what a quality plan should define
  • Recognize examples of metrics supported by the balanced scorecard
  • Identify the MBNQA criteria categories for performance excellence
  • Match ISO 9000 series quality principles to examples
  • Identify the benefits of ISO 9001 registration and implementation
  • Identify the key elements required for effective TQM
  • Identify the characteristics of kaizen

Problem-Solving and Process Management Tools

  • Identify key concepts about basic management and planning tools
  • Identify innovation and creativity tools used for solving quality and process problems
  • Sequence the steps in process mapping
  • Match Lean techniques for waste reduction, quality, and process flow to descriptions
  • Identify the principles of Goldratt's Theory of Constraints

Measurement: Assessment and Metrics

  • Match the three levels in the GQM measurement model to examples
  • Match the sampling types to the situations in which they should be used
  • The four main components of validity to their descriptions
  • Situations when it is appropriate to use long-range or short-range trend analysis
  • The capability of a process in terms of Cp and Cpk indices

Customer-Focused Management

  • Key concepts in the customer-supplier value chain
  • Definition of quality level agreement (QLA)
  • Examples of segmentation variables
  • The advantages and disadvantages of using surveys, interviews, and focus groups to capture the voice of the customer
  • The steps involved in the QFD approach to capturing and translating customer requirements
  • The characteristics of an effective complaint-handling system
  • Steps for improving customers' perceptions of quality customer service

Supply Chain Management

  • Examples of the actions involved in selecting suppliers
  • Pprocedures for dealing with supplier communications
  • How to ensure supplier compliance with organizational requirements
  • Factors involved in assessing the frequency of measuring supplier performance
  • The objectives of supplier audits
  • Steps in the evaluation of a corrective action plan for a supplier
  • The steps in the supplier certification process

Training and Development

  • Problems that may arise in the absence of top-level management support of quality training
  • The elements of an effective training plan
  • The benefits of training needs analysis
  • The phases and progression of a needs
  • Each phase in the ADDIE model with an example
  • The characteristics of the adult learner
  • When to use technology-based, blended learning, or on-the-job methods of training
  • Match Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation to descriptions determine whether a training effort was a good return on investment