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AutoCAD Architecture 2013 AutoDesk Training Course  

AutoCAD Architecture 2013 is the software created for architects to help design, document, and draft more efficiently, while working within the familiar AutoCAD environment.
Our AutoCAD Architecture 2013 training DVD will help you gain valuable experience to improve your productivity right away, as you learn the new features at your own pace. Create building designs and construction drawings, extract views and annotate models, use and create content and work in the drawing management system.

Additional new features such as Room book allows for multiple finishes to be applied to each surface, then calculates these surfaces for enhanced room documentation. A detail schedule can then be created and exported into an Excel spreadsheet. Other new features include the transparency control, hatch display component, geometry sharing performance enhancement allow you to work more efficiently.

AutoCAD Architecture Training  for Architects
This program will help you learn features and functions in AutoCAD Architecture 2013 to create a building design from scratch and work with 2D and 3D models. Lessons cover both basic and advanced topics including building geometry, sections and elevations, components, and the drawing management system.

Course Outline
Introduction and Installation Overview
Launching the Application for the First Time
Introducing the Interface
Application Menu Contents
The Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar and InfoCenter
Terminology and Helper Tools
Status Bars
Display System
Layer Management
Differences Between Color and Style-Based Template Files
The Role Materials Play in Object Display
Project Navigator
Specific Tabs in the Options Dialog Box
Autodesk Exchange for Architecture
Activation Code

Quick Start
Creating a Small Building
Creating Our Building Mass
Slicing Levels, and Creating a New Project
Exterior Shell
Ground Floor
Column Grid
Plan and Elevation Sheet Files
Section and Enlarged Plan Sheet Files

Productivity Tools
Personal Workspace
Learning About Dynamic Input
Using Right-Click Menus
Using Grips
Plan Views
Architecture in Elevation
Isometric Views
Using Edit in Plan, Section and Elevation with AEC Objects
Edit Objects in Place
Using Isolate Objects To Simplify Your Views
Using Live Sections
Navigating in 3D
Using Object Viewer
Creating User-Defined Palettes and Tools

Introduction to Content
Task-Based Palettes
Design Center
Content Browser
Using the Properties Palette
Style Manager
Display Manager
Using Autodesk Seek

Conceptual Design Tools
Introduction to Conceptual Design Tools
Massing Studies
Using Mass Groups and Slices
Space Planning
Analyzing Designs
Moving the Design Forward

Building Geometry
Introduction to Building Geometry
Creating Accurately
Introducing Justification
Justification and Object Snaps
Changing Justification
Wall Clean Up Tools
Modifying and Cleaning Up Edges
Using Modify Tools
An In-Depth Look at Walls Styles
Understanding Cleanup Radius
Wall Component Priorities
Overriding Component Priorities
Understanding Cleanup Groups
Location Elevations
Justification, Reversing Direction and Offsettings
Offset  Tools
Understanding AEC Trim and Extends Tools
Modifying a Style Assignment
Adding and Modifying Interior Walls
Converting Linework
Renovation Mode to Create Phased Wall Styles
Phased Projects
Interior Walls in a Project
Geometric and Dimensional Constraints with Walls
Door Styles - An In-Depth Look
Window Styles
Openings - Creating and Modifying
Doors and Windows - Additional Styles
Using Multiple and Relative Placement Methods
Creating Doors and Windows in Our Project
Column Grids
Modifying and Annotating
Structure - Adding Columns to Grids
Column Grids - Irregular Column Grids
Enhanced Custom Tool
Structural Members and Display System
Creating Column Grids in Our Project
Structural Member Catalog
Content Browser Styles
Structural Member Wizard
Custom Columns
Add and Modify Columns
Adding and Modifying Beams
Adding Beam Layouts
Creating Structure in Our Project
Representing Bracing
Automatically Generating Spaces
Space Styles
Spaces Dividing
Creating Spaces in Our Project
Room Quantities Calculated
Roombook Calculations, Surface Materials and IDs

More Geometry
Introduction to More Geometry
Creating Curtain Walls
Modifying Curtain Walls
Curtain Walls Styles
Curtain Walls - Convert from Other Objects
Creating Curtain Walls in Our Project
Curtain Walls - Edit In Place
Door/Window Assemblies - Creating and Modifying
Door/Window Assemblies Styles
Door/Window Assemblies - Converting from Other Objects
Creating Door/Window Assemblies in Our Project
Slabs - Creating and  Modifying
Slabs Styles - An In-Depth Look
Slabs - Applying Edge Styles
Slabs - Edge Styles
Creating Slabs in Our Project
Creating Straight Run Stairs
Stairs - Creating U-Shaped and Multi-Landing
Creating Curved and Spiral Stairs
Stairs - Creating Custom
Modifying Stairs
Stairs Styles - An In-Depth Look
Creating Ramps
Railings - Creating and Modifying
Railings Styles - An In-Depth Look
Adding Stairs and Railings in Our Project
Ceiling Grids - Creating
Ceiling Grids - Modifying
Ceiling Properties of Spaces
Ceiling Materials
Creating Ceilings in Our Project
Roofs - Creating
Roofs - Modifying with Grips
Roofs - Modifying with Properties
Roof Slabs - Creating
Roof Slabs - Converting from Other Objects and Adding Holes
Roof Slab Styles - An In-Depth Look
Applying Edge Styles to Roof Slabs
Creating the Roof in Our Project

Adding Components
Introduction to Adding Components
Understanding and Using Multi-View Blocks
Finding Content
Placing Multi-View Blocks
Multi-View Blocks - Placing Accurately
Using Layout Curves and Anchors
Ceiling Objects - Adding Fixtures
Representing Soffits with Wall Objects
Creating and Using Object Profiles
Adding Components to Our Model

Sections and Elevations
Introduction to Sections and Elevations
Assembling the Building Model
Setting Your Building on a Site
Creating Elevations
Modifying Elevations
The Sections and Elevations Panel
Creating Sections from the Callouts Palette
Modifying Sections
Sections and Elevations
Updating Changes
Adding Visual Depth
Sections and Elevations Styles - An In-Depth Look
Using Component and Design Rules
Working with Materials
Creating Sections and Elevations in Our Project Annotation

Introduction to Annotation
Edit Scale List
The Drawing Setup Dialog Box
Annotation Scale with AEC Objects
Annotation Scale and Wall Hatch Patterns
Annotation Scale Within Viewports
Text Placement
Placing Multi-Leaders
MText and Multi-Leaders - Setting Default Behavior
Using Layer Key Overrides
Modifying Layer Key Overrides
Placing AEC Dimensions and AEC Dimension Styles
Modifying AEC Dimensions
Dimensioning - Other Tools
Callouts - Creating for Annotation Only
Applying Tags to Doors and Windows
Tags to Walls
Room Tags to Spaces
Applying Tags to Objects
Labels to Column Grids
Creating and Modifying Schedules
Using Schedules to Find Items in Your Project
Schedule Grouping and Subtotaling
Placing Keynotes
Sheet Versus Reference Keynotes
Modifying Keynotes
Placing Keynote Legends
Placing Annotation in Our Project

Introduction to Detailing
Creating a Detail View using Callouts
Using The Detail Component Manager
Adding Detail Components
Modifying Details
Using AEC Modify Tools
Annotating a Detail

Understanding The Display System
Introduction to Understanding The Display System
Using the Display Manager
Drawing Display Representations
Modifying Style Display Representation
Object Display Representation
Properties Palette Display Tab
Display Sets
Display Configurations
Display Control and Multi-View Blocks
Using Materials to Affect Display Representations

Using Layer Tools
Introduction to Using
Layer Tools
Layer Management
Layer Standards
Layer Key Styles
Layer Filters
Layer States
Loading Layer Key Styles
Creating a Layer Standard

Layout Design Objects
Introduction to Layout Design Objects
Using AEC Modify Tools
Layout Grids
Using Layout Curves
Using Anchors

Organizing Projects with the Drawing Management System
Organizing Projects Introduction
Unique Benefits of Project Management and Project Navigator with Project Browser
Options for AEC Project Defaults
Create a New Project
Understanding Project Navigator
The Project Tab
The Constructs, Views and Sheets Tabs
Adding Existing Drawings To Project Navigator
Constructs from Objects in Existing Drawings
Creating Constructs from Other Constructs Elements
Creating Plan
Creating Elevation Views
Creating Section Views
Annotating Views
Creating Schedule Views
Manage Sheet Set Properties
Creating Sheet Subsets
Creating Sheets
Create Named Model Space
Views and Link to Sheets
Using Callouts to Create
Named Model Space Views and Linking to Sheets
Insert Sheet List Table

Advanced Building Geometry
Introduction to Advanced Building Geometry
Using Advanced Wall Tools
Interference Conditions and Walls
Interference Conditions - Stairs and Slabs
Varying Roof Plate Heights
Roofs: Trimming and Mitering Edges
Roofs: Adding a Dormer

Publishing from the Project Navigator
Introduction to Publishing from the Project Navigator
Publish Your Project
Publish with Subsets
Publishing Sheets Sections
Publish with Overrides

Creating Custom Styles and Components
Introduction to Creating Custom Styles and Components
Editing Wall Styles
Creating Walls Using Wall Style Browser
Understanding Wall Endcaps
Endcap Styles for Wall Openings
In Place Wall and Wall Opening Endcaps
Design Rules Door and Window Styles
Door and Window Styles - Adjusting Dimensions
Creating Custom Shapes
Door and Window Styles - Adding Muntins
Door/Window Assembly and Curtain Wall Design Rules and Terminology - Primary Grids and Element Definitions
Door/Window Assembly and Curtain Wall Design Rules and Terminology - Nested Grids
Creating a Custom Door/Window Assembly
Door/Window Assembly and Curtain Walls - Modifying the Frames and Mullions
Creating a Custom Curtain Wall Unit
Door/Window Assembly and Curtain Walls - Creating Style Overrides
Creating a Custom Curtain Wall in Our Project
Creating Components for a Multi-View BlockMulti-View Blocks - Assigning Component Visibility
Annotation Scaling with Multi-View Blocks

Graphic Presentation and Visualization
Introduction to Graphic Presentation and Visualization
Visual Styles
Adding a Camera
Slicing the Model
Using Napkin Sketch
Using Display Themes
Rendering with AutoCAD Architecture
Sun and Location Settings
Adding Lights
Adding a Camera and a Background
Rendering Settings
Using Materials on AEC Objects
Fine Tuning Curved Objects

Working with Others
Introduction to Working with Others
Importing Geometry and Data from Other Programs
Exporting Geometry and Data

Introduction to Troubleshooting
Why Are Walls Not Cleaning Up
Why Are There Question Marks in My Schedules
How do I Restore Panels and Tabs to the Ribbon
How Do I Restore Hidden Messages and Tool Tips