Includes Windows 7 Certification training and exam
Our 14-day MCSA/MCITP Server 2008: Enterprise Administrator boot camp, students will live, learn, and take the Microsoft exams at one of our state-of-the-art education centers. When you have completed the couse, passing the 6 exams, you will have earned your Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) and Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) credentials for both Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7. This widely recognized certification objectively validates your ability to design, evaluate, maintain and troubleshoot Windows Server 2008 and also install, deploy, and upgrade to Windows 7 utilizing the most current technologies available.
Since everyone's learning style is different, we use a combination of lectures, labs and reviews in this blend-learning course, with the focus on preparing you with the real-world skills required to pass the certification exams and to hit the ground running in your career. You will achieve 6 Microsoft certifications, and will learn the required hands-on skills to support Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 in any network environment. Dates and Location of Classes
Inquire about our 7 day MCITP Windows Server 2008 Administration Boot Camp
Benefits of Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate and IT Professional Certification
- Focuses on a specific job role, allowing for in-depth validation of your skill set.
- Allows you to earn multiple certification, demonstrating your abilities across multiple roles.
- Builds on a combination of Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist prerequisites, helping you develop your technical resumé with each step in your career path.
Server administrators are recognized among their peers and managers as leaders in the day-to-day operations management of Windows Server 2008. Demonstrate and communicate your ability to take system-wide ownership of Windows Server 2008 administration, and increase your organizations return on technology investment, by earning the Server Administrator certification.
Certification Paths Included
- MCTS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring (70-640)
- MCTS: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring (70-642)
- MCSA/MCITP: Server Administrator (70-646)
- MCTS: Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure Configuration (70-643)
- MCITP: Enterprise Administrator (70-647)
- MCTS: Configuring Windows 7 (70-680)
Daily Class Outline
Day 1 Configuring 2008 Active Directory Lecture/Lab/Review
Day 2 Configuring 2008 Active Directory Lecture/Lab/Review
Day 3 Configuring 2008 Active Directory Review. Exam: 70-640
Configuring 2008 Network Infrastructure Lecture/Lab/Review
Day 4 Configuring 2008 Network Infrastructure Lecture/Lab/Review
Day 5 Configuring 2008 Network Infrastructure Lecture/Lab/Review
Exam: 70-642
Day 6 Server Administrators Lecture/Lab/Review
Day 7 Server Administrators Lecture/Lab/Review Exam: 70-646
Day 8 Configuring 2008 Applications Lecture/Lab/Review
Day 9 Configuring 2008 Applications Lecture/Lab/Review
Day 10 Configuring 2008 Applications Lecture/Lab/Review
Exam 70-643
Day 11 Enterprise Administrator Lecture/Lab/Review
Day 12 Enterprise Administrator Review Exam: 70-647
Day 13 Configuring Windows 7 Client Lecture/Lab/Review
Day 14 Configuring Windows 7 Client Review. Exam: 70-680
Detailed Course Content
Out Boot Camp Includes
- Intensive Hands-on Training Utilizing our (Lecture | Lab | Review)™ Delivery
- Comprehensive Study Materials and Pre-Class Mentoring, Program Courseware, and Self-Testing Software, Deluxe Package of Fourteen (14) Days of Hotel Accommodations, Breakfast and Lunch, Unlimited Beverages, Snacks, and Freshly Brewed Coffee
- 24-Hour Lab and Instructor Access
- Examination Vouchers & On-site Certification Testing
- Examination Passing Policy
MCITP Windows Server 2008 Self Paced Online or CD-ROM Training for Certification.
Daily Class Schedule
Many accelerated training providers rely heavily on lecture and independent self-testing and study.
Our daily schedule incorporates different modes of instruction and learning environments to ensure that students learn, retain, comprehend, and can apply knowledge critical to a professional developer.*
8:15 am to 9:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am to 1:00 pm Instruction: Lecture
1:00 pm to 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm to 5:30 pm Instruction/Interactive, Hands-on Labs
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Dinner Break, Study Time, One-One Instructor Mentoring
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm Wrap Sessions
9:00 pm+ Study Time, One-One Instructor Mentoring
Subject to change at instructors discretion